Fisher and Lightwoods: Taking Possession

Fisher and Lightwood’s
Law of Mortgages
13 th Edition page # 588 paragraph # 29.9
Taking peaceable possession
29.9 If physical possession is to be taken, it must be taken peaceably.

If violence is used to secure entry, the mortgagee may be liable to prosecution under the criminal law, although the mortgagor will have no civil remedy against the mortgagee.
Violence need not only be against the person, but may also be in the manner of entry, as by breaking open the doors of a house.
Consequently, save where the mortgagor consents to the mortgagee taking actual possession, which will be rare, the occasions where a physical taking of possession is possible will be rare. It will generally only be possible where the mortgagor (and any tenant of the mortgagor) has abandoned the premises.