
Please let me know what items you feel should be placed here for immediate reference or discussion.

The importance of the meaning of the actual words being used to make claims assert rights and obligations is paramount in all areas of study.

Please note…the word or meaning or phrase you are looking to have defined must also be looked at by the year that the particular word was used and hence the correct year of any dictionary should be chosen to assist in the correct meaning at that time.

Possible order for consideration

1) Any meaning should be taken from the actual provision in any statute

2) If not in that provision look in the interpretation or definitions or terms defined within that statute

3) If not in that the the Interpretation Act 1978 should be used.

is link for this

4) Not in any of the above? I suggest case law would be the next best indicator

5) Legal/Law dictionairies. These are many however a few links here which will be added to are known good sources for alternate meanings.




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