Tag Archives: monies worth

Hundreds of police officers sign open letter …

More than 600 serving police officers have signed a damning open letter warning another Tory-led government will “further endanger public safety” and leave the force “perilously close to collapse”.

It is the biggest ever criticism of government policy by frontline officers – despite them being banned from taking an active part in politics.

And it will further undermine David Cameron’s Tories’ credibility as the party of law and order.

The unprecedented intervention came in response to the coalition Government slashing the police budget by around 26% over the last five years, at a cost of 35,000 officers.

The letter states: “The police service is in crisis. Numbers are falling. Experienced officers are leaving (or planning to leave) in their droves.”

And it claims cuts to the force “will send a negative message about Britain being a safe place to live and do business and it will put economic recovery at risk”.

Former Met Det Chief Insp Peter Kirkham wrote the letter after reading one by business leaders outlining their concerns about a Labour government coming to power.

The letter has been signed by more than 1,000 policing professionals, including retired officers and police staff. Among them are 423 PCs and DCs, 188 sergeants, 50 inspectors up to Det Chief Insp level and four superintendents.

But senior officers have condemned the letter. Gareth Morgan, Avon and Somerset temporary Deputy Chief Constable, tweeted: “My advice to all serving officers would be to stay well clear of campaigns and lobbying. It’s the law after all.”

Full article and letter at http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hundreds-police-officers-sign-open-5562385


It would be nice if Constables stood shoulder to shoulder with rest of us when a house is stolen.

It will be too late when all the forces are privatised and many of you lose your jobs and then your home …





For every Action an Equal and Opposite Transaction

Accounting ledgers are great.

They show how books balance.

This is what double entry book keeping is all about.

So where did the “Mortgage” funds come from?

For a “Loan” to take place there must be a draw down in one account to transfer to another.

Also any “Deposit” will increase a ledger.

So please, to all you highly qualified ACCA and CIMA accountants out there with a “Mortgage”…

get your calculators and spreadsheets out and show us the money!!!

When you get to grips with what is really going on you will confirm that YOU are the originating creditor.



Breach Of The Peace

One of the actual parts of the Oath of Office for the British Bobby.

As we are concerned with England and Wales on this site, here is an extract of the Police Constables Oath

England and Wales

Territorial police constables

The 43 territorial police forces in England and Wales are responsible for general policing. Members of the police forces are attested under section 29 of the Police Act 1996.[1] The prescribed form of words is that given by schedule 4 to the Act (inserted by section 83 of the Police Reform Act 2002[2]), as follows:


I, … of … do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.


Rwyf i…o…yn datgan ac yn cadarnhau yn ddifrifol ac yn ddiffuant y byddaf yn gwasanaethu’r Frenhines yn dda ac yn gywir yn fy swydd o heddwas (heddferch), yn deg, yn onest, yn ddiwyd ac yn ddiduedd, gan gynnal hawliau dynol sylfaenol a chan roddi’r un parch i bob person; ac y byddaf i, hyd eithaf fy ngallu, yn achosi i’r heddwch gael ei gadw a’i ddiogelu ac yn atal pob trosedd yn erbyn pobl ac eiddo; a thra byddaf yn parhau i ddal y swydd ddywededig y byddaf i, hyd eithaf fy sgil a’m gwybodaeth, yn cyflawni’r holl ddyletswyddau sy’n gysylltiedig â hi yn ffyddlon yn unol â’r gyfraith.

So what actually is a “Breach of the Peace”?

Its important that we have this issue entirely correct with case law and any other evidence and facts to ensure that the People of this Land have access to the same information as a Police Constable.

Any information that you may have please let us have the links so this info can be placed up here

Would you do this?

Would you fill in an application form for a loan …

and then give a bank your money only for them to give it back and call it a loan?

Oh and then they charge you interest on your money?

Oh and pledge the house that you thought that you just bought?

No, you wouldn’t would you, or we would like to think that 11.2 million people in the country wouldn’t either.

Would you believe it for one moment that this in all likelihood is happening every time a “Loan” is carried out?

There may well be some tiny differences to this in practice but this is what is really happening.

Quite simply…Why would you borrow your own Money?

This would be classed as Mutual Intent. You never intended to borrow your own Money.

Stayed tuned for more info like this.





Deed Vs Contract Argument or S1 vs S2

The legal profession are at their wits end to obfuscate the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989.

http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1989/34/contents LPA MP 1989

Its obvious why to the percentage who make their money out of house possessions.

It becomes a little more interesting when you realise that most people in the legal profession are likely to have a “Mortgage” themselves and do not deal with conveyancing.

Why then do they not join in if they could save themselves and their families and the rest of the 11.2 million people in the country a lifetime of debt called a Mortgage or Death Pledge.

Most of the arguments from court transcripts suggest that all mortgages are done by deed and that only Section 1 of LPA MP1989 applies.

They neglect to read the full sentence of the act, ie they all only read this bit …

2 Contracts for sale etc. of land to be made by signed writing.

when in fact it clearly says this,

“A contract for the sale or other disposition of an interest in land can only be made in writing and only by incorporating all the terms which the parties have expressly agreed in one document or, where contracts are exchanged, in each.”

They have made it a Deed vs Contract argument when in fact clearly both can and should apply.

It would be incumbent on all conveyancing solicitors to actually read this bit and get the entity who is to provide the alleged loan to comply with signing the deed.

If you do not then you are you are not giving best advice to the client who is entering into this debt obligation. You should get the entity who is to provide the alleged “loan” to sign their part first before presentment to the prospective “Mortgagor”.

So next time you do not provide best advice please be warned in advance you will be setting yourself up for all sorts of claims.

Its even more incredulous that with so much information widely available from reputable sources that solicitors and accountants cannot grasp this amazingly easy to comprehend fraud that is being perpetrated against the people of this country.

Please see this links for further info Something for Nothing and  Creation of Money

You have been told and the information is out there!


Something for Nothing?

Money out of thin air?

Well it would appear they (the banks) cannot just do that.

There must be something to monetise in the first place.

Where can these items be verified?

Bank Of England state as per their quarterly bulletins
Quarterly Bulletin 2008 Q1 Volume 48 No. 1
Steve Baker MP house of commons debate and Hansard

Steve Baker MP at the historic debate in UK Parliament on Money Creation


The full text of the debate is here


and here http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmhansrd/cm141120/debtext/141120-0002.htm
These are verifiable statements on the record in the public domain.

We need to look at how the equitable arrangements of a mortgage come about.

If it can be proved as a fact that zero loan existed when your freehold was purchased, how can the alleged lender make any claim AT ALL?

What is the most that an alleged lender can claim?

Even using case law that they can take the house back before the ink is dry? (link required)

We would suggest that in “Equity” this figure could be a MAXIMUM of 50% of any alleged loan and then 100% if in fact a loan did actually take place with facts, evidence and full accounting.

This is based on an exchange of items or a swap. Your paperwork for their advance.

Where someone has been in their home for 10 years with a £100,000 “Mortgage” paying £500 per months they may have fallen behind by 2 months payments.

This is enough for the alleged lender to take possession proceedings.

As Loyd Grossman would say…..” Lets have a look at the evidence!”

If NO LOAN takes place, then any “Money” (credit) that came out of thin air because someone wrote something on a piece of paper, who is entitled to make a claim and for what?

This is where we get our 50% from. A swap or exchange of two items having the same value but a different specie of “MONEY”.

Paying the £500 per month soon tots up. That is £6000 per year and after 10 years £60,000.
The £120,000 house is now probably worth £200,000.

The alleged lender now claims that due to the fact you have not paid TWO months of £500, they want “their” house back.

In equity, where are we with this and the accounting?

I’m guessing that you already worked out that you put in quite a bit more than the bank.

Even IF they made any loan at all!





What does this mean and what were you actually loaned?

It really is as different as apples and pears.

If someone wanted some apples and could only complete the bargain by providing pears then that exchange would be complete. (If accepted of course.)

If you wanted apples but completed the bargain with “Money”(1) then that exchange would be complete.

In both scenarios the person had to have the apples.

If you go to the Post Office to get your Euros you pay over “Money” (1).

That exchange is complete as you agreed to it but the PO took a cut for providing the service of “Exchange” (3).

In this case the PO had to have the Euro’s.

If you wanted “Credit” (2) and the only thing you had access to was a “Promise to pay” (3).

When do you think this transaction completes the bargain?
So what happens when you get a “Mortgage” (4)?

You think that someone is going to lend you the money that they have and you agree to paying this money back with interest because that is how it is in a commercial transaction.

For a contract or agreement to take place there has to be a number of elements.

If you thought that “Money” (1) was being lent, as opposed to be advanced “Credit” (2) would you have had the same intent or could it be argued that “Mutual Intent” (5) never existed in the transaction for the bargain to complete?

(1) Money =
(2) Credit =
(3) Exchange =
(4) Mortgage =
(5) Mutual Intent =
(6) Monies Worth =

Therefore in what circumstances does Money EQUAL Monies worth?

Answers on a postcard …