
Do you act act as agents for the “Repossession of houses?”

If you do, do you really know where you stand when it comes to the paperwork and the law?

Are you acting as the agent?

What actual documents are you relying on for you not being charged with a “TORT”?

Trespass, aiding abbeting fraud, theft, grievous bodily harm, actual bodily harm, damage to property?

Those are all Torts.

These and probably many more …

The only thing that MAY be stopping a claim against YOU direct and not YOUR company is a bit of paper that is now showing increasing signs of being unlawful and invalid and therefore VOID.

If YOU are acting under a VOID order, then YOU will be personally liable for YOUR actions, not your boss.

Please take time to ensure that YOU as the one breaking the windows, drilling the locks, have sufficient knowledge and backup to stop any claims against YOU.