Police Powers Trespass & Squatting

Dear Police Constables,
We implore you to read this post and ensure that you comprehend the contents in its entirety.
Anyone who is entering back into their property to defend it from unlawful possession has a full and complete defence if you were to investigate the matter IN ADVANCE!
Do not just follow orders to evict trespassers on someone’s say so.
Make accurate inquiries as to whether the people have re-entered THEIR home to defend it first and check the details at the Land Registry.
Where mortgage repossessions are concerned, Police Constables are being psychologically reframed to regard evictee’s as squatters or trespassers, whom they can remove using police powers.
This power therefore can not be used if by investigation, IN ADVANCE, you can prove there was no loan by the bank or the building society.If they cannot prove they suffered a loss then they never made a loan … SIMPLE!
This power would then be an abuse of power if it doesn’t go hand in hand with a prior investigation to comply with your IMPARTIALITY.
Therefore any claim made in court would therefore be VOID AB INITIO and a Fraud upon the Court.
What you are doing is removing the lawful right of the owner by extreme force and against their will to defend their property which you as a Police Constable have no right to do before carrying out that investigation.
By removing and displacing real People you remove their base their home their life and you are doing it under orders with ZERO investigation as to the facts and evidence in the case in which you could obtain yourself if you remembered your oath of Office as a Constable.
Just doing your job has no defence in this country.
It could be seen as Misfeasance in Public Office for not carrying out your duties as a Public Servant as per YOUR Oath. This will open you personally to a civil claim if you do not do your job properly and have a dereliction of duty.
If you get asked to attend an incident like this, make inquiries as to whether the bank lent any money and ask to see where the loss of the purported “Mortgage Loan” occurred by insisting on seeing all the entries in the Bankers Books as per this legislation http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Vict/42-43/11/contents Bankers’ Books Evidence Act 1879.
Elements of the offence – points to prove
Subsection (1) of section 144 sets out the elements of the offence. The offence is committed when:
  • a person is in a residential building as a trespasser having entered it as such;
  • the person knows or ought to know that they are a trespasser; AND
  • the person is living in the building or intends to live there for any period.


You see if the real owner re-enters they know they are not a trespasser and the Full Accounting will prove their case. If you remove them first without investigating the facts of the case presented to you, you will become liable.

Section 144 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act
2012 creates a new offence of squatting in a residential building, which will apply throughout England and Wales. The offence is set out in full in
Annex A

Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012