Tag Archives: charge

THE Deed equals THE Document

The Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989 clearly sets out some rules that need to be adhered to by professionals when it comes to “Dispositions” of property.


The elephant in the room is that the legal profession clearly think that a deed as part of the “Disposition” called a “Mortgage” does not need two signatures ie from both parties.

This may well be the case in all other circumstances but Section 2 clearly states:

S2(1) A contract for the sale or other disposition


s2(3)The document incorporating the terms or, where contracts are exchanged, one of the documents incorporating them (but not necessarily the same one) must be signed by or on behalf of each party to the contract. (see below 1)

The “Disposition” known as a “Mortgage” clearly comes under these sections.

Therefore THE DOCUMENT containing THE DISPOSITION (ie Mortgage) is called what exactly?

You see the fact is that there are TWO DISPOSITIONS going on.

One Sale and Purchase Agreement and one Mortgage Agreement. Both are done by deed.

Again, from LPAMP1989 s2(2)

“The terms may be incorporated in a document either by being set out in it or by reference to some other document.”

All the information (elements) leading up to THE Mortgage (DISPOSITION) are where exactly?

Which ACTUAL DOCUMENT is being referred to?

There is only one that contains all this info and it is this document that is referred to at a possession hearing and is the one used at/for the Land Registry. This now being called a “Charge”

By the process of elimination therefore,



All DEEDS are Documents but not all Documents are DEED’S

(1) A deed is a speciality contract.

“Halsbury’s Laws of England/CONTRACT (VOLUME 9(1) (REISSUE))/1. INTRODUCTION/(3)
CLASSIFICATIONS/616. Contracts made by deed.
616. Contracts made by deed.
At common law, contracts by deed (specialties) were made under seal 1 , though not all deeds amounted to
specialties 2 . The separate promises made in such a contract are frequently termed covenants 3 .”

A discussion on this point will be available on the

VOIDMORTGAGE KNOWLEDGEBASE here at www.gerbilstuff.com/knowledgebase link asap